2009 Meeting Minutes
Minutes of the June 13th, 2009 meeting
Called to order at 0915
Members present: Steve, Wally, Duane, Mike, and me
Duane brought his bride, and mine showed up after finishing in the top 300 of better than 1800 runners in the Walleye
Weekend 5 mile race (great time, honey!). Two new members Bill and Jeremy –
welcome aboard!
Secretary’s report – Had to move the website due to GeoCities closing
up shop. Still learning the new software, still working on making it current. New location is http://wibk4.tripod.com
WI VII hosts
the Wisconsin State Convention next weekend. I have registration forms for folks
that didn’t print one up over e-mail. Copies were handed out to members
Weekend – the weekend of August 15th Same weekend as the International
Vintage Motorcycle Show and swap meet at the Outagamie County Fairgrounds in Seymour.
I’m scheduled to work that whole weekend. Go figure. Room for campers and/or tents at Wally’s. Room for between
six and eight people to sleep inside. Running water, electricity, no wireless
internet. Bring a shovel, cuz it could get a little deep… Please RSVP to Wally by August 1st so he’s got an idea of a number to plan for..
Motion to
be taken up at summer GLRC to discontinue mailing GLRC newsletters and send them electronically.
Summer GLRC
is August 28-30 in Xenia, Ohio. Registration forms available online. Link available on our website.
Also discussion
of moving spring GLRC back to late February/early March, as it was in the days of old.
This won’t affect the 2010 Spring GLRC hosted by WI X in Green Bay.
WI IV is paid
through 2009 for GLRC.
report was provided.
Old Business
– Wally’s weekend. Tom’s working on a ride route.
New business
– went through upcoming events.
Nothing from
“the floor”.
Meeting adjourned
at 9:44AM.
Minutes of the 05/09/09 meeting:
Couldn't tell you.
I couldn't make it. I'm told we talked about the summer gathering at Wally's, and we picked a weekend in mid-August.
That's all I have.
Next meeting on June 13th!
Minutes of the 04/11/09 meeting:
Members in attendance were
Tom, Steve, OD, Wally, Duane, Mike, and me. Thanks, Wally, for saving me the corner seat in the back. A 70% turnout!!
was "called to order" with us ordering breakfast at 0903.
April GLRC newsletter was passed around for members to review.
No treasurer's report as Robin was unable to attend.
New membership cards were handed out to members in attendance.
Steve took Robin and Dick's cards; I still have Jeff's card in my vest.
Vests - we talked with the former owners of
the leather vests brought to last month's meeting, and it was decided that $50 was an acceptable price for each leather vest.
I have Mike Smith's address, so he can be sent the money for the vest he turned in when he departed the club.
I read
the list of events as posted on our "events" page. The Fools' 100 is running next weekend - access information through
the link on our "events" page. I can't make the spring GLRC as I have a wedding in which I'm standing up that weekend
(that sucks). Sounds like nobody from WI IV pre-registered; I hope at least one of us represents us that weekend.
membership card has him listed as a "director". He's a past-president, not a director! I will contact Int'l to
see about getting that fixed.
UPDATE 4/12/09 - Steve was made director for 2009 due to Karl's departure.
Steve's "position" of Past-President is something that is apparently only valid for a year. That explains it now, doesn't
Speaking of directors, Karl's departure from the club created a vacancy on our board of directors.
As only three of our members are eligible, and two were in attendance, the absent member was elected to fill the vacancy until
such time as elections are held again.
Membership - I downloaded the 2007B application for membership and will e-mail
to members to print as needed for new recruits.
I updated the 2009 roster to include cell phone numbers for our members.
We used to list the year and manufacturer of members' bikes on the roster - do we want to do that again?
(For a good
time, call Wally.) Check and see what weekend works best for you, so we can ride to Stevens Point and have a cookout
at Wally's Cabin - coming back on a Sunday. We might need to make a trip up earlier to drop off some stuff, to facilitate
taking the motorcycles. There is plenty of room up there to pitch tents on level ground. Select two weekends that
work best for you; that way we have a rain date. Tom will work out a ride route for us. Keeping in mind that not
everyone can make every event, given the nature of the beast that is law enforcement, we still want to do what we can to accommodate
as many members as possible. We'll cement a date at our next meeting (May 9th). "Wally's Weekend" will be our
charity ride, with a "camping fee" of $10/bike which will be donated to Sheboygan Safe Harbor.
I need to get in touch
with Clint Cagle to get more information on the Safety Officer program for the Knights. In the April 2009 GLRC newsletter,
there is information on the "5=Zero" program that the Dells chapter is into heavily - I'll have it with me again at our next
meeting for review.
Meeting adjourned at 1034.
After the meeting, Steve followed me to my house and we submitted
our e-postcard to the IRS for our chapter taxes, so we can maintain our not-for-profit status. We're good for 2009.
of the 03/14/09 meeting:
Tom, Steve, John (and wife Linda), Mike, Duane (and wife Rita), and me. That's a
60% turnout again! Today's guest was Dane Nelsen, the Wisconsin representative to the GLRC.
Meeting was called
to order at 0919 by President Roberts. Roll was taken.
Secretary's report presented. Treasurer's report
was unavailable as the treasurer was unable to attend.
Old business - Vests - I brought along the four vests that were
in storage at my house. Three of the four are in possession of new members in need of vests. A price for said
vests hasn't been set yet, but I plan on calling the former owner of two of the three vests to make a reasonable offer.
I haven't checked on prices of "new" leather vests of this style from Jamin' Leather (at least not yet); I should really do
Old business - WI IV Safety officer - because we're not as big or as active as we used to be, we were undecided
as to whether or not it was necessary to fill this post - unless someone wanted to volunteer. We feel we do a pretty
good job of policing our own, so to speak. OD nominated Domke (in his absence) for the position of Wisconsin IV Safety
Officer, seconded by Oosterhouse. Motion passes. Dane gave a report about the "Five-Zero" program spearheaded
by WI XVIII. Can't wait to learn more about it.
New business - discussed the calendar of events, including the
cabin weekend at the Dudzinske's. Wally wasn't in attendance this morning, unfortunately, to participate in the conversation
(glad to hear the plumbing is fixed, though).
New business - A WI IV ride? Tom mentioned possibly riding to Dubuque
again, not necessarily to go on the paddleboat supper cruise. Dane commented about the recruiting potential of scenic
chapter rides, and suggested Sunday brunch rides (like WI VI used to hold) from a central location.
New business -
recruitment - Mike has a coworker that is interested in signing with our chapter, and we're going to need him. Karl
hasn't renewed his membership with the chapter this year, and hasn't responded to correspondence from chapter officers.
Dane says that the motorcycle component of the Torch Run for Special Olympics is actually one of the state's biggest and best
recruiting events.
Open floor - no new business
Next chapter meeting April 11th, which will either be a week
after the Fool's 100, or a week before the rescheduled Fool's 100. Here's to spring!
of the 02/14/09 meeting:
Tom, Steve, Jeff, Wally, Duane, and me. That's a 60% turnout! Tom's wife Mary
was there, along with Steve's wife Mary, Wally's wife Mary Ann, my wife Marie, Jeff's girlfriend Dawn, and Duane bought breakfast
for his son this Valentine's Day.
A meeting? Not really. Informal, casual, and again a lot of fun.
We talked about the upcoming events, like the Fools' 100 and the State Convention. Information should be flowing in
pretty soon on both State and International conventions, and more rides will likely be planned in the weeks to come as the
snow melts. We talked about the 2009 GLRC dues, and how our chapter is reportedly in arrears. Robin had to plow
snow this morning, or else he would have been there to answer our questions on the topic. Snow - ain't this garbage
over yet? If you don't have the flyer, drop me a line and ask me - I tried to e-mail it to all of our members.
talked about vests for our newest members. My bride tells me that we have vests hidden somewhere in the house that our
newest members may be able to purchase - vests with the new colors already embroidered onto them. In the interim, I'm
going to have to contact Rustic Road Embroidery to ensure our program is still available for newcomers.
***UPDATE - We have two regular members' vests and two Ladies' vests - the two regular members' vests fit me - one
fits me nicely, the other is loose (both with the side laces snug). The ladies' vests - one fits Marie very loosely,
the other barely fits her - both with the laces snug. Now we just need to settle on a price... I put in a call
to Rustic Road Embroidery this morning, but did not get an answer. Will keep this page updated on news from Rustic Road
FURTHER UPDATE: Just talked with Cameron of Rustic Road Embroidery (2/27/09 at 12:23PM) regarding
embroidery of new vests. He can get vests at wholesale cost from Jamin' Leather with orders of 6 or more vests; I don't
think we need six or more vests, especially given that we have these vests that either Mike or Duane can wear. Regardless,
Cameron tells me that he BELIEVES (don't quote him on it yet - he's going to do some checking) that the cost of our prior
embroidery was $30 per vest. I'll know more tonight (hopefully) after he's done some checking and I call him after work.
If we don't talk tonight, we'll talk tomorrow morning...
FURTHER FURTHER UPDATE: Just talked with Cameron of
Rustic Road Embroidery (2/28/09 at 10AM) and he is now sure that the embroidery is $30 per vest - something for our members
to chew on... We'll have to make sure those other vests make it to the next meeting (I think I can do that)...
a bit, let's talk about upcoming events. At the Christmas party, Wally talked about possibly spending a weekend at a
cabin up north, as a club. We haven't set a date yet, so we don't know for sure when that's going to take place, but
it sure sounds like a good time. Got any skeeter dope?
The International election results are in. Ballot
counts were as follows (with a 24% ballot return, a total of 4,891 ballots mailed back):
President (by a 53-vote
margin!!) Dave Mulford - 2440 Jerry Bryan - 2387
Vice-President Pat Fox - 2888 D.J. Alvarez
- 1963
Secretary Peter Domiziano - 2640 John Merrick - 2179
Treasurer Russ Harper - 2686 Bob
Flanagan - 2161
Anyone want to be the Wisconsin IV chapter safety officer?