April 2010 meeting minutes
Members present: Tom, Steve, Jeff, Wally, Duane, Mike, Dick, Paul.
Wally's Weekend will be the weekend of August 21st. RSVP to Wally and Mary Ann.
The Berlin chapter is having their Bruce Williams Memorial ride on August 28th.
Fools' 100 ride is tomorrow. Not meeting at Romy's. More information was e-mailed prior to the meeting, and
after the meeting. Three chapter members planning to attend.
Much discussion relative to the purchase of chapter t-shirts. Robin still has one place to check out in north Sheboygan,
otherwise we're leaning strongly (so far) to the place in Beaver Dam. We're not in a HURRY to order the shirts, but
it would be nice to have them by summer.
Paperwork for the Oshkosh golf outing sponsorship was sent with Steve to get to Robin so we can sponsor the 4th hole
at the golf event in July.
Next meeting May 8th. If we continue to have such wonderful turnouts (with spouses, children and grandchildren),
we're going to have to explore relocating our meetings! Great meeting this morning!