March 2010 WI IV meeting minutes/agenda
Call to order at 0910.
Members present: Steve, Dick, Duane and Rita, Mike, Paul. Tom is at a wedding
this morning after a funeral last night. Wally is at a gun show. Robin must be out west or something – he’s MIA.
Treasurer’s report – none
Secretary’s report – see
Old business
GLRC patches – I picked up a GLRC patch for each of our members at the Crying Towel Classic. $3 gets you a GLRC patch… Dick,
Steve, Duane and Mike all picked one up.
New business
Spring GLRC – Need a letter from Tom giving Steve permission to vote on behalf of the chapter. Dane’s notes read, application presented.
Blue Knights Scholarship – flyer and application
“End of Watch” memorial golf outing
o Motion to donate on behalf of the chapter?
o $100 to sponsor hole #4. Mike motions to donate $100 to End of Watch golf outing. Paul
seconds. Four “aye’s”, one “nay”. Motion passes.
Wisconsin II bike blessing April 17th in Jefferson.
Duane thinks he’s going to attend.
Wisconsin State Convention June 11th-13th, registration forms e-mailed to
members. Steve is planning on attending, sending in his money in April.
Int’l Convention in Billings, Montana, more as it becomes available
Chapter t-shirts. Black t-shirt, the back will be
the colors with the rockers. The front will be just a Blue Knights rocker with
Sheboygan between the two ends. The front rockers will be blue and white. Initial set-up fee (one-time fee) is $20 per color. If we use red, white, blue, yellow, and silver – that’s $100 set-up fee. If we use different color shirts, we’ll have to pay for the black color. Discussion about having “displays” printed on paper for presentation at next month’s
meeting, different colored “t-shirts” for members to choose from. Mike
said he’d do that for us. If we order a minimum amount of 25 shirts or
so, it’d be about $10/each. He won’t print less than 25 at a time,
Wally’s Weekend
o Two initial choices – either the weekend
of August 21st or the 28th. Popular vote is for the 28th,
but that may be the same weekend of WI VII’s ride (Bruce Williams Memorial ride).
Possibly incorporate the two?
Recruiter award – I’m
still looking for information regarding eligibility for Mike, who’s been working his tail off in recruiting BK members. I do NOT believe the members have to be recruited into the “host” chapter
for qualification to be a “Recruiter”, but I’m not sure. Will
check with Dane Nelsen for clarification.
GLRC Traveller pin flyer passed around. Duane asked for a copy of the flyer for the Traveller pin.
Question asked regarding the “Iron
Butt” pin – something to look into.
International President Campaign flyer
for Peter Domiziano – discussion.
Note read from John Gordon, GLRC rep
to Int’l, regarding Blue Knights members being friends that take care of each other…
Open floor
Mike thinks Friday, May 7th
is the Law Enforcement Memorial ride in Madison.
Members Only section of the Int’l
website – your log-on ID is the membership number on your membership card. Your
password is your last name in all capital letters…
Our prospective t-shirt supplier CAN
do hats… Robin has a bunch of WI IV hats, though.
Robin, can you bring information on
the windbreaker jackets to the April meeting for our newer members? I’m
also interested in ordering one.
We like the idea of a Wisconsin IV
FaceBook page… Something I can work on at my leisure?
Next meeting April 10th.
Motion to adjourn by Steve at 1008,
second by Mike. Non-debatable, motion passes.